Self-Improvement Spaces

Self-actualization for busy people.

Spaces are hour-long online support groups that address the topics we care about.

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Life gets in the way

Life has a way of steamrolling our need for improvement. Our busy schedules have us forego activities which actually improve our lives.

Even with the desire to better ourselves, knowing where to start and how to stay on track can be daunting. The thought of going it alone? Even more so.

Start here

Our guided, no-cost, online Spaces welcome both the curious and those passionate about self-improvement.

Therapist-trained moderators ask thought-provoking questions designed to help individuals find pathways into parts of themselves they would like to explore.

Find inspiration in the shared experiences of fellow participants who have navigated similar challenges. In Spaces, you'll discover not only support for personal growth, but also a welcoming community ready to accompany you on your journey.

Self-improvement Spaces uses the hour-long Spaces format to help participants gain insights, learn new strategies, and support each other in their journey towards self-improvement and fulfillment.

How Spaces Work
How Spaces Work

Topics discussed in Self- Impovement Spaces

See Spaces
See Spaces


Imposter Syndrome

External Validation

Staying Present

Navigating Relationships


Exploring Goals

Overcoming Procrastination

Translating Emotions into Actions

Meet the Self-Improvement Spaces Keeper

Vanessa is a Los Angeles-based musician, writer, and recovering hot mess. She's confronted many challenges, from battling undiagnosed depression, to grappling with identity struggles, and fully acknowledges the difficulty of handling complex emotions alone. Through her journey of self-improvement, she's learned how to take action in her life, turning negative patterns into sources of contentment.

Vanessa hosts Spaces, creating a supportive community where individuals can explore and better understand themselves through shared experiences and open dialogue.

Here in spaces, you get prompts that force you to look outside the box or help you ponder on things you wouldn't normally think about in regular therapy. Also, I've never had a therapist before start off a session with meditation and I do love meditation, so it's refreshing to have that. Vanessa guides us through the meditation and her voice is very comforting, she gives us a little intro to what the theme of the session will be for the day and begins the spaces. I also love how Vanessa shares her own stories and interpretations of what the prompts are for that session. It gives me a look into her life a little more and gives me the courage to be honest and open about my life and experiences.

Michelle H.

Spaces has been a welcome ritual every week. It provides me the opportunity to work out various avenues of thought I normally wouldn’t on my own. Talking out the prompts each week & sharing my thoughts in a safe judgement free, pressure free environment is a real bonding experience between me and my group. There’s usually laughter, sometimes tears, and always a deep connection. I always feel better after each session!

Char K.

Kind words from members
of Totem


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